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Wednesday, 22 September 2010

People Follow Your Example

Like it or Not, People Follow Your Example

You may not realize how much influence you have on others. You might be the newest guy at the lowest-paying job in the worst company, but you still influence people.

For example, if you walk around work with speed and determination, others will notice this and feel more like walking around with speed and determination. As a new assistant, you therefore influence your boss.

If you taste a cookie in a restaurant and smile, people notice this. They will be happy to taste that type of cookie.

As another example, your friends are laughing at an overweight woman, but you don't laugh. In fact, you frown. You don't say anything. They stop laughing at the woman and may stop making fun of overweight women, because of your example.

"There are many people one influences. The influence can be good or it can be bad." "The way to happiness requires that one set a good example for others." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Children follow examples set by their parents, employees follow examples set by their bosses, and group members follow examples set by their leaders. Yet examples set by children, employees and group members also have an effect.

Set a Good Example

What kind of influence do you wish to cause? How do you want people to behave around you?

Do you like others to be clean, kind, patient, hard-working and honest? Respectful, understanding, interested, cheerful and polite? Healthy, persistent, smart, organized and fair?

By setting an example, you influence others. So the type of influence you wish to make is your choice.

For example, if you want people at work to be more supportive, start being more supportive yourself for several days and see what happens!

1. Write down how you want people to behave at your work and at home.

2. Write down how you can set the example for that behavior.

3. Set the example for a week.

4. Notice what happens.

5. Use this tool to create new happiness and success in your life.

Give it a try!


Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Do You Ever Try To Avoid Work ?

"Selling advertising space for Independent News limited can earn our top sellers generous bonuses," says our CEO and local news editor Duncan Williams; "Additionally, we offer all our media sales staff ongoing training and full support . We are a company that really cares that you succeed!"

The Secret of How to Build a Cash Surplus

If you had saved 10% of your income since you started working, how much money would you have right now?

Having a big savings account has many advantages. For example:

● You have the option of getting into activities you enjoy

● You can get out of activities you do not enjoy

● You have more choices of where to live

● Emergencies and potential emergencies are less stressful

● You can help the people you love with their emergencies

● You do not feel trapped by your job

● You can devote more time and money to the activities you love

The Problems

Building a surplus of cash for yourself can be very difficult. An immediate need feels more stressful than a future need. Or you earn some money and want to reward yourself.

Even if you manage to save some money, you are tempted to spend it. You have an emergency or find something you really want to buy. You promise yourself you'll pay it back to your cash reserve, but you never do.

Saving money takes a lot self-discipline. However, even though it is difficult to save money each month, most people can pay their bills.

The Secret

"When a surplus is made part of the ‘need' by disguised outgo, a surplus occurs. Only then will it occur. It will not happen otherwise." -- L. Ron Hubbard

If you pay your bills, you can also save money. You arrange bills that are actually savings. You won't miss the money.

For example, you arrange a monthly debit from your checking account into a saving account. Any bank can set up a savings plan for you.

Certain credit card programs allow you to make monthly payments into an investment account, such as savings accounts with insurance companies or banks. The amount you authorize is automatically charged to your credit card each month.

You can pay money toward a future purchase by making an agreement with the group you want to buy from. For example, some colleges allow you to freeze the tuition, if you make monthly payments.

You can also sign up for your company's payroll savings plan or retirement plan. You tell your employer how much to save for you. Your savings is withheld from your pay, just like your tax payments.

Even though opportunities to create a bill that becomes a savings account are not widely promoted, they are available.


1. Decide how much you wish to save each month. The amount should not be so high that it becomes a burden, but you might be surprised how easily you can live on 90% of your current income when you are saving 10%. If none of the above examples fit your situation, talk to someone at your bank, at your job or at an investment company. You might also ask people who have made themselves wealthy as they will have good ideas.

2. Then find a bill or system that will force you to save money. The need to pay the disguised bill must be as urgent as any of your other bills. In other words, you must pay it each month, without fail.

3. The cash reserve must also be difficult for you to spend. For some people, a small penalty is enough to leave the money alone. For others, it must be more difficult. For example, you can set up a joint account so another person must approve your withdrawal from your savings.

4. Finally, the saving account must also increase each month, by itself. All banks pay interest if the money is flowing into the right type of account. Anything is better than nothing!

Make this small, but important change to your finances and you will have more options for success in your future!


Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

The New White knights of Camelot


Saturday, 18 September 2010

Regional magazines and newspapers can help promote your business

You deserve a Kingdom

You deserve a kingdom.

For example, Bob is the king of the little-league baseball team he coaches. Kelli is the queen of the company she started. Peter's kingdom is a garden or a coin collection.

Stella is the queen over the report filing department. Fred commands the school. Linda rules everything and everyone within her kitchen.

"There is no happiness higher than to be king in some corner -- no man* is worth anything who is not." -- L. Ron Hubbard (*man: a member of mankind; a man, woman or child)

So what is your kingdom? What are your goals for your kingdom? What new kingdom do you wish to rule?


Define your kingdom. You are the ruler of your own life, your own space, your own activities, your own possessions. You influence people. You command an area of this world.

Allow others to be part of your kingdom. Let them create their own kingdoms inside or outside your kingdom. As a result, your kingdom will grow.

Rule your kingdom with kindness and wisdom. Set goals to expand it and make it more successful. Use your kingdom for good and your happiness is guaranteed!


Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Anonymous bullies target famous Cornish Hotel, increasing local media interest!

Nobody likes a bigot. The recent anti religious rantings of Pastor Terry Jones, on the anniversary of 9/11, attests to this. His words and threats were reviled by good people and faiths the world over.

But an anonymous bigot is a different breed of creature altogether.

Too cowardly to openly voice their diatribes, too wretched to sign a name to their hateful cant.

Sadly, the internet can often be abused by those who bare ill will. Victims for slander can be easily targeted by cowards.

With these thoughts in mind, and because of the ongoing vitriolic attacks, by bigots, towards a tourist hotel and many people resident in the small town of Tintagel in Cornwall, our media company is restating our support.

Our own Director of Publishing, Duncan Williams, who was himself brought up in the North Cornwall area, is said to be appalled by the lies and accusations that are set to 'damage Tintagel' irreparably if left unchallenged.

"What good is achieved for this town?" says our publisher. "Particularly during a period of recession, by badmouthing its largest hotel? What gain is there for the community?"

Hysterical internet postings, over many weeks now, have centred upon John Mappin, his Kazakhstan born wife, Irina, and a resident painter named Ted Stourton, who are each co-owners of Tintagel's famous Camelot Castle Hotel.

John says; "At Camelot Castle we have a business policy of trying to use local Tintagel traders and to buy locally wherever possible. We are all learning this week what it might mean to our village to lose an important business. Once the heart of a village dies it can be very hard to breath life back into it."

However, the roots of this controversy seem to centre around the Mappin's involvement in the mysterious Scientology 'religion'. Itself often accused of bullying tactics towards its own members.

Unrelenting web outbursts and a cruel hate campaign by email, attacking the owners of the clifftop resort, their friends, business associates, and even their foreign employees, have all been swamping the internet for weeks now. It is clearly having an adverse effect on business.

"Bigotry like this is totally unacceptable," insists Duncan Williams. His independent news company has even been accused, quite wrongly, of 'bribery by the American Church' in order to support their corner in print. "There is no prejudicial bias in any of our publications. It goes against everything I believe in."

Williams, whose grandfather was a local C of E vicar, goes on to say; "Cornwall has always been a place where all kinds of people are welcomed, from all walks of life, wherever they are from and whatever their faith may happen to be - and no matter how eccentric it might seem to others..."

It would be a sad day, indeed, if this were ever to change. A sad day for Tintagel. And a sad day for Cornwall.

"Standing up to bullies is never easy," laments John Mappin.

Standing up to an anonymous bully, perhaps harder still.

But, as anyone working in the media knows only too well; words that can be used to hurt can equally be used, with truth and time, to heal.

And all bullies and bigots must, and will, be brought to heel.

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Independent News Ltd. - Established publisher of UK regional newspapers and magazines. Offering distribution and marketing opportunities in key locations throughout Great Britain.

Monday, 6 September 2010

Doing The Work You Were Born To Do

By Catherine Trebble

Have you ever felt like you were born to do something in particular with your life? Maybe you don't really understand why, but you feel yourself pulled in a particular direction and feel like if you don't do it now, you will regret it.

You might very well have a job right now that isn't so bad. Maybe you enjoy the people you work with and you get joy out of it. But it's still not what you really want to be doing with your life. It could be that you ended up in the job that you are in now because you took a wrong turn somewhere in your life, or maybe it's just because you've just never mustered up enough courage to take whatever leap you need to take to do what it is that you know you want to do.

As a person who has always had that feeling inside me, I can tell you from my own personal experience that if you feel yourself being pulled in a certain direction when it comes to your career, don't ignore it. Even if you feel right now is the worst time possible for you to just drop everything and pursue the job of your dreams, you can at least stop ignoring your calling and start working on a plan to get you from where you are right now to where you want to be.

When we're little, we always have an idea of what we want to be when we grow up. More often than not, we miss the boat and don't always get to realize our childhood dreams. As we grow older, not only do our interests change, but our realities change as well. But that doesn't mean you've missed the boat entirely.

There are many opportunities awaiting you out there. It all starts with working out what's right for you and then designing a plan that will help you get from where you are right now to where you want to be.

This plan will not only help make the transition from your comfort zone to your new career environment a lot smoother and easier to navigate, it will also help you achieve the happiness you want and deserve in your life.

There is a lot of truth in the saying "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life." When you do what you love, your entire outlook when it comes to work changes. Stress is minimized, your confidence and self esteem rises, and life is more enjoyable and fulfilling all around. When you love what you do for a living, you will find it easier to give more of yourself and to be the best at what you do. Because when you care about what you are doing, your heart is in it!

In life, there are no guarantees. You may think that you can pursue your dreams later, but if you continue to put things off, you may run out of time and there may be no later. We all know people who never 'got around to it'. So act now-even if the first step is to simply acknowledge what it is you want to do with your life. After that, it's all about making a plan and taking the steps, no matter how little or big, to launch you into doing what you know you were born to do.

Copyright (c) 2010 Catherine Trebble. All Rights Reserved.
